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JDRF has now rebranded to Breakthrough T1D.
Our name has changed, our mission has not.

How we spend your donation

Breakthrough T1D’s vision is a world without type 1 diabetes. We focus on world-class research, campaigning for better treatments and supporting people living with the condition.
Content last reviewed and updated: 24.09.2024

Dr Gavin Bewick, a type 1 diabetes researcher working on developing a drug to protect beta cells, in his lab.

We are the leading UK charity specialising in type 1 diabetes. Our vision is a world without type 1 diabetes. To achieve our mission of eradicating type 1 and its effects for people in the UK we focus on doing three things, and doing them well:

  • We invest in world-class research to find a cure faster and to improve treatments and prevention until that day arrives.
  • We campaign for better treatments, including providing access to type 1 technology for everyone who wants to use it.
  • We support and connect people living with the condition and parents of children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

We currently spend £5.80 of each £10 you donate directly on this mission. We then invest £3.30 in fundraising which means that we can raise a further £10 the following year. We spend the remaining 90p running Breakthrough T1D and making it an efficient and sustainable charity that will be here for everyone with type 1 diabetes until we find the cure.

Every pound we spend on research comes from generous donations from people like you. We receive no government funding. This is why we invest in our sustained growth, aiming to generate more income each year to support our mission to improve lives and cure type 1 diabetes. We will continue do this until we find the cure.

Over the last 10 years, our investment in fundraising has meant we have increased our annual income from £2.5 million to £6 million a year – an average growth of 10 percent a year.