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JDRF has now rebranded to Breakthrough T1D.
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“I now tell all my classes that I have type 1 diabetes”

Manisha is a design and technology teacher with a passion for raising awareness about type 1 diabetes.
Content last reviewed and updated: 20.09.2024

As well as teaching, Manisha runs Diabetes Squad, an in-school programme and podcast giving everyone the space they need to share experiences, tips and information about living well with type 1.   

“I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 21, I remember it well. I was studying my first degree as a graphic designer and I was considering becoming a teacher.  

There was somebody who said to me that teaching might not be for me because it is such a dynamic job and you’re always on your feet. But I wanted to prove them wrong and I’ve been a teacher since 2010. I’m the head of design and technology at a secondary school in London. 

What I love about teaching is it’s a profession where we create other professions. Young people can come in and think about what they want to become, and we guide them. 

Telling others 

When I became a teacher, I didn’t tell anybody other than the HR department that I have type 1.  

If I was feeling quite low or I wasn’t feeling great, I may have told my head of department, but I didn’t tell my classes, I didn’t tell my colleagues. Over the years, it’s something that I haven’t been able to hide but I’ve also accepted it. I’ve accepted this is what I manage every day.  

I now tell all my classes that I have type 1 diabetes. I think it’s really important to talk about it because it raises awareness about what type 1 is and what it entails. The misconceptions about type 1 are mainly from the staff. I’ve been at a Christmas party and really wanted a slice of chocolate cake and a member of staff said that I’m not allowed to have it. It did make me super-sad for a split second, but then I ate it and gave myself insulin.  

I have noticed in my 14 years of teaching that there is an increasing number of young people who are being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. They feel lost, broken, and uncertain of themselves. This led me to create Diabetes Squad in 2022 – a peer on peer support group for the young people with type 1 in our school community.   

Using technology in the workplace 

Technology has really helped because I remember a time where we used to have a little A5 book. We had to write our readings in there and try to work out why we were having highs and lows. I used quick pens and a finger pricker. It took me quite a while to get used to the idea of transitioning to technology. I started off with a Freestyle Libre sensor and that was fine. It was nice and flat.  

When I was asked if I would like to use an insulin pump I really wasn’t sure. I didn’t like the idea of it being visible or the idea of something else on my body. I thought it would be really annoying. 

In the end I started by using a dummy pump without any insulin in it. I could just wear it to see what it felt like. I actually liked it. I made the choice to be wireless and started off with the Ominpod Eros and haven’t looked back. I’m hoping to be on a hybrid loop system next.  

Technology has had an enormous impact on my life. I’m able to do things now, like swimming in the ocean or walking marathons for charity, because I can see my results constantly on the go.  

I don’t have to stop, prick my finger and give myself insulin. It fits well with my lifestyle and being a teacher. Teachers don’t even have the time to go to the bathroom, let alone give themselves insulin. I don’t need to ask for cover of a lesson or ask for a member of staff to step in while I go and give myself insulin, or while I go and prick my finger to check my glucose. I can just literally be on my phone and I’m able to do it seamlessly. 

Choosing a career 

My top tip would be for anybody that’s considering whichever career they want to do, just do it. There’s nothing stopping you.  

All you’ve got to think about is if you really want to do it, just go for it. Yes, you may have to make adjustments. You may have to speak to the HR department and let them know what devices you wear or what medication you’re on, but there’s nothing that’s going to stop you. You could become a teacher, a pilot, an athlete, whatever you want to do, just go for it.” 

Find out more about Diabetes Squad.

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