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House of Lords debate

Provision of new technologies for type 1 diabetes

Briefing published October 2018
Content last reviewed and updated: 16.09.2024


This briefing has been prepared by Breakthrough T1D UK in advance of the debate in the House of Lords on the provision of new technologies, such as flash glucose monitoring systems, for type 1 diabetes patients throughout England and Wales.

Type 1 diabetes has a life-long impact on those diagnosed and their families. People with type 1 diabetes rely on taking insulin every day just to stay alive, until the cure for the condition is found. A child diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of five faces up to 19,000 injections and 50,000 finger prick blood tests by the time they are 18.

Effective control of blood glucose levels is a key factor in avoiding future complications and reducing costs. Access to diabetes technology is crucial to help better manage the condition.

Having access to the right technology can be life changing. It can help people better control their condition and can save the NHS money through reduced long term complications. People with type 1 diabetes deserve to get the type 1 diabetes technology they want and need on the NHS.

Full briefing

Read the full report – Breakthrough T1D UK briefing: The provision of new technologies, such as flash glucose monitoring systems, for type 1 diabetes patients throughout England and Wales (pdf file)

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