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Our researchers are working on different ways to develop a cure for type 1 diabetes - from growing insulin-producing beta cells in labs to hacking the immune system.
Learn about the technologies that can deliver insulin automatically when needed. And discover the next generation of insulins that are currently being developed.
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The announcement is the biggest treatment breakthrough for type 1 diabetes since the discovery of insulin.
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JDRF has now rebranded to Breakthrough T1D. Our name has changed, our mission has not.
Home > Knowledge & support > Guide for parents and carers > Education – from nursery to university > Starting school
Schools in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are required by law to support children with medical conditions at school.
The aim of these policies is to support pupils with medical conditions so that they have full access to education and wider school activities like school trips and physical education. The policy should set out the roles and responsibilities of those involved in your child’s education and care, what should be included in an Individual Healthcare Plan (see below) and what training is needed for staff.
This is legislated by the Equality Act 2010 (England, Wales and Scotland), the Children and Families Act 2004 (England) and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Northern Ireland). There is also guidance for England and Wales on how to support children with medical conditions at school.
Talk to the school about what their policy is and how it can support your child.
Individual healthcare plans (IHPs) are put in place to make sure your child’s type 1 will be managed while they’re at school. Writing the plan is a collaboration between the school, your child’s Diabetes Healthcare Team, you and your child. It should include:
You can download a template IHP at the Medical Conditions at School website.
At least two members of staff should be trained in how to manage type 1 diabetes, which should be outlined in your child’s Individual Healthcare Plan. This training will be delivered by your Diabetes Healthcare Team who will arrange it with the school.
We had a meeting with the head teacher, the deputies and the two teachers that she was going to have. And the ladies from the nursery and a couple of the nurses from the hospital came. We got a lot of support. We set out a plan for how they were going to monitor her.
Lawrence Newton talks about his son Oliver’s type 1 diagnosis and finding support through family, friends, and other parents of children with type 1.
Daisy started wearing an insulin pump which cut out all injections (unless there is an emergency). The pump is changed every three days and will be on either her arm, leg or tummy. Since wearing the pump, it has meant Daisy can have snacks between meals or have an ice cream on a hot day without an extra injection.
Get information to help you manage your child's type 1 in education and childcare settings, and to work with the teachers, other parents and carers involved.
Our schools e-learning module helps schools, nurseries and pre-schools to care for children with type 1.
Download our free hypos kit to learn how to successfully manage your child's hypos in educational settings.
Watch a recording of our past information event, focused on education. It discusses the challenge of managing type 1 diabetes whilst going through school and college. We showcase ideas and lived experiences of how to tackle the process.