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Your child’s healthcare team

Your child will be seen regularly by a team of diabetes specialists. Learn about the different professionals involved and how to best work with them.
Content last reviewed and updated: 03.06.2024

A child with type 1 diabetes having her blood glucose checked by a diabetes healthcare professional

Your child’s Pediatric Diabetes Healthcare Team

Your Diabetes Healthcare Team is the team you and your child will visit regularly (usually about four times a year). They will also be available to answer questions or help you and your child with any issues between appointments.

A Diabetes Healthcare Team is made up of Diabetes specialists and other healthcare professionals.

A Diabetologist

A Diabetologist, or Consultant, is a doctor who is an expert in type 1 diabetes. Your child should see a diabetologist regularly and every three months at first.

Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN)

This is a nurse who specialises in the management and treatment of type 1 diabetes. DSNs provide experience and expertise in the day-to-day management of type 1.


A specialist diabetes dietitian can provide information on diet and nutrition, taking into account what your child likes to eat – and what they don’t. They also help if your child has other conditions related to type 1 diabetes like Coeliac disease.

Other healthcare professionals involved in your child’s care

General Practitioner (GP)

The main role of your GP in your child’s diabetes care will be to update and issue prescriptions. They can also provide you with referrals to other specialists.


If you and your child are experiencing mental health issues, your Diabetes Team can refer you for psychological support. Speak to your diabetologist or DSN if you have any concerns that you’d like to address.

Ophthalmologist or Optometrist

Children with type 1 are offered eye screening tests when they reach their teens.

In the long-term, type 1 diabetes can cause complications, particularly if blood glucose levels aren’t very stable. Eye damage from type 1 diabetes is very manageable with early intervention, so people with type 1 have regular eye checks.

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